My journey to India in 2014 really inspired me to re-evaluate my life and so it is with this re-evaluation that I am choosing to live my life serving mankind in the same ways as Jesus Christ, the Buddha, and even Meerabai. And by that, I am also choosing to live off of alms for the spiritual work I’m blessed to provide for any soul out there that resonates with me. I’m figuring it out as I go along and I’m learning to truly follow God for the first time in my life.

Frequented this charming church that I stumbled across. Such peace and serenity I feel when visiting sacred places of worship no matter what the religion
I feel as if God were talking to me during my cab ride to the Delhi airport as I was bidding an emotional and heart-wrenching farewell to my beloved India, a dream come true in many ways. With not much money in my bank accounts, hearing God’s voice in that moment was slightly problematic and just when all I wanted to do was celebrate my accomplishments, He challenged me again to push my faith and trust in Him even more! Such liberation, from the materialistic world that gnaws at us, I was feeling yet such seemingly intimidating torture to overcome another obstacle that He had waiting for me! I actually burst out laughing at God in complete amusement because after so many intense months of it being just me and Him, I still hadn’t learned that He will always surprise me!
These are the thoughts I had during my long cab ride to the airport:
Money plays too much of an important role in all our lives. We judge others for having too much yet we judge those for not having any. Many people work two or three jobs so they can pay rent and put food in their bellies. As a society, we’re busy incurring debt and then paying off that debt. We complain that we don’t have money for a trip so we daydream instead. We don’t have money for proper healthcare that we trust so we let our health slide as we gain more and more health issues. We marry others for their money and divorce them when the money dries up. We feel bad about ourselves when we’re invited to a special occasion because we don’t have money to bring a gift or we can’t go out to eat and celebrate with everyone else. How is it possible that something so trivial and manmade, while we’re at it, has such control over every choice we make in life??? It fascinates and boggles my mind! Did anyone ever stop to wonder where money came from?!
I’ve never really had money all my life and I turned out just fine. In fact, my life has been phenomenally rewarding. I learned to be resourceful and creative. I taught myself many cool things since I was always too broke to pay for things like courses and retreats, and I traveled to 20 countries primarily on my own dime in my adult years. I learned many lessons from asking for help from friends and family. I used to let others make me feel bad for not having money but not anymore. Money doesn’t give me my self worth, my curiosity for life, or my compassion for others. Money keeps us separated from one another instead of united and whole. Money breeds cruel judgments from loved ones as well as from society. Money perpetuates fear; stress; inferiority; superiority; violence in the homes and on the streets; and cut-throat competition instead of creative, compassionate collaboration.
For most of my life, I kept the lack of money from doing things I wanted to do and from daring to dream the impossible dreams, but my spiritual quest in the last two decades opened my mind and heart to a different way of viewing the world around us. And that is what I want to share with you! No one taught me any of this stuff! I learned it all on my own and have consequently inspired many others along the way.

Budget travelers become fast friends, especially when we’re trekking this big world alone. To experience the magic that day with new friends was a dream come true in many ways, and I believe each of us walked away with more love in our hearts that day. Munnar Hill Station, Kerala
Sure, I can choose to join the rest of society and charge for my services because after all, isn’t that how we all make our money? Many of us make our money doing things we don’t like or that go against our principles. Some of us don’t make enough money doing what we love. Some of us get upset when our paycheck is wrong and we’re happy when we’re paid overtime. If we barter with someone and we don’t feel that we got our fair share, resentment festers inside of us. We lie and steal and beg and kill all in the name of money. All around us, we see time and time again that money is the root of all evil.
So for me, I am now consciously choosing to make and use money for good instead of evil. I am making it my life mission to live off of alms for the spiritual work that others seek from me. I am choosing to use money for good and to receive it in the form of alms when someone feels that I’ve done something good. There is an illusion in our world that if a person does not have money, they are consequently undeserving of help or joy. I know this illusion all too well because of how others treated me most of my life and so I have been extremely mindful that I do not transfer this negative energy to other innocent souls.
Since adapting to this radical life mission for several years and counting, my life has been on such a profoundly unique and miraculous journey in terms of deepening my faith and trust in God. It’s an experience that my heart regrets not knowing how to find the right words to convey the supreme love I have cultivated with God. I am living in a most foreign, vigilant way ever and it’s so weird dealing with others’ judgment, silent and vocal, of my monetary situation; and because I know exactly what I’m doing and my faith is so strong, their judgment honestly does not phase me. It’s weird how more confident I became just from trusting God!
Since releasing the hold that money was playing in my life in different ways, I was blessed with a free bottle of heavenly laundry detergent from the co-founder himself just when I was meaning to buy some, which then lead to serendipitous business talk of us working together on many levels; and perfect sanctuaries in many odd ways where I have written some of my most powerful writings thus far. It’s as if you’re having the biggest mind trip and you’ve got to share it with somebody just to make sure you’re not crazy or seeing things, ya know?!

Let the light of divinity shine through me wherever my journey takes me to and let us embrace one another with open arms, open hearts and curious laughter. This is what LIFE is really about and this is why I love to travel outside of my comfort zone.
In the middle of nowhere, Gujarat
The spiritual work we invest in ourselves is monumental in our growth as light beings on this earth. It’s essential for us to understand ourselves and how to connect with each other in the pursuit of true liberty and justice for all, and I sincerely mean every word of this with all my heart. And so because I know that money keeps us from enjoying life or getting the assistance we need, I want people to know that if anyone seeking my spiritual support does not have money, they will still be embraced by me. This is my life mission. It took nine months of seeing the world through a deeply spiritual perspective that transformed me in the way of sustaining myself in this monetarily dependent society. I poured my heart and soul into my travels and now I’m pouring my heart and soul into my life mission.
As Jesus Christ, the Buddha, and even Meerabai did before me, my life mission is to continue traveling to different lands – but this time with my poetry and other writings – healing more and more people now that I understand my life mission. This is why I have always yearned to travel and never wanted to go directly into college when I was 18. Since I was a kid, my heart loves connecting with people wherever I go because I learn and evolve so much; and I deeply, truly and wholeheartedly love people from all walks of life and from all over the world!
Today, as an artist, philosopher and healer who lives to connect with others, I share my experiences with any audience that will lend me its ear. I believe that the first 40 years of my life prepared me for this destiny. I’m humbled by everything I have learned and am therefore committing my life to following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, the Buddha, and even Meerabai. And of course, following my heart.