I’m embarking on perhaps the most profound journey of my life to date and that is to take my life on the road so that I can share my writings with the world. It has become apparent to me that many people have illusions about what my travels, or my life on the road as I like to call it, actually entail. It’s rather difficult for me to describe what my life on the road is really like because I just live it and it makes sense to me, but as I attempt to shed light on this part of my life so that others will grasp what I go through, I find that I am at a loss for words.

Sometimes the places we visit don’t fool us as they do everyone else. I knew there was a reason why my heart didn’t want to come here, as the unexpectedly necessary pit stop in Pushkar, INDIA revealed to me.
(I love traveling with my tiffin, shown here on my left arm)
The best way for me to articulate is simply to say that I follow where God leads me and this is really the first time I am even speaking like this! That is because I have truly found God and we have cultivated a beautiful relationship with each other. People are already accustomed to me living day-to-day or hearing me say, “Wherever the wind blows me is where I’ll go,” but the truth that has revealed itself is that I’ve been very much humbled by Our Heavenly Father and He is the one who is leading me.
This is the first and foremost detail that I need others to understand when interacting with me. The current world we live in demands too often a linear timeline from which to operate, but I do not operate this way at all. Even my own family has a hard time getting me to commit to anything far in advance. It is my humble opinion that living within such worldly constraints restricts me from experiencing the magic that God creates for me daily. For all of us, dare I say?
Also I follow clues that He leaves for me all over the place! Only I know what these clues are and what they mean. It’s great fun finding them on a daily basis! It’s as if God and I are playing a fun game together and we totally get each other!
On the surface, it may appear to others that I am wandering aimlessly or not doing much at all, but the reality is that I am always in prayer and meditation, and I’m always juggling many requests, appointments, spiritual consultations, and conversations with people I meet along the way from all over the world. The spiritual work I do and my writings require virtual isolation and confidentiality, so I am usually holed up somewhere quiet or sacred for hours or days at a time so much so that I barely eat or sleep in this time.

I gained a newfound respect for all those people I always see riding on the back of trucks because that was me the first time I visited HONDURAS. I weathered the blazing sun beating down on us, all squeezed in tightly and uncomfortably, and I’m happy to say that I never fell off. For many hours, I held on for dear life as sand blew at my face and my bony body bounced along really rocky roads. Such experiences reveal to me that life is really rough for the common man in any country!
My dream for years now is to travel with an assistant who can look after me in many nurturing and administrative ways.
It is especially important for others to understand and respect that I am a brain injury survivor and that means I have to still pace myself, and I have several needs and requests when dealing with certain aspects of life on the road. I’m recognizing the need to be totally transparent about this, so please be patient as I compile the mental notes into a coherent list for others to understand.
I felt the need to preface these disclaimers, per se, now that I am taking a different approach to living on the road for I-don’t-know-how-long, so anyone joining or assisting me on the road will benefit from these understandings. The work ahead of me is a massive responsibility I’ve been given and I wholeheartedly accept because “it is what it is,” but I will no longer accept the cruel projections or judgments that previously plagued me from fulfilling my destiny.
Now in my 40s, I have no home, no “real job,” no car, no children, no pets, no relationship and little debt to hold me back from throwing myself out into the world and see where I land. I’ve got my passport, my 2pc luggage set, my laptop, my camera, my smartphone-all the modern essentials for the modern life on the road-and GOD, so I am prepared to go anywhere, anytime! Entering different vortexes on a regular basis brings so much magic into my life and I really love living this way, on the road or not! I embrace any kind angel who would like to join me on the road and if you can vibe with me on these levels, then we’ll get along magically!