This space is created for the loved ones who know me personally or in real life, as we are now accustomed to saying in this cyber age. Their testimonies will shed light for the world to get to know me in other ways. They have taught me so much about myself and instilled so much confidence in me that I am humbly and eternally grateful for their love.
I give immense thanks to these sweet angels for blessing my life with your loving presence and for seeing me through such beautiful rose-colored lenses. I give thanks for your acceptance of me; your loyalty & your commitment to me, and your love for me. May the world see me as you do so lovingly.

Table top at a coffee shop
Every moment is an enlightening experience with Thien Kim. Reading her poetry and learning about her experiences has humbled me and made me realize things about myself that were obvious, yet I hadn’t realized. The two of us have talked on for hours… we would have such insightful dialogue and would build on such a spiritual level, that each conversation felt like a journey. It’s extremely rare that I feel so open with anyone. Her sincerity and openness is a gift and a blessing as I’ve watched her enlighten and draw people to her without even trying! I’ve met some great people just by hanging around her. She has much wisdom to share and I encourage all to read about her journey… you will most definitely find something that speaks to you, touches you and may even inspire you.
I am so thankful that I reached out to Thien Kim while helping her with her computer. From that experience, I am grateful and honored to have made such a wonderful new friend and I wish her the best on her further adventures. She can truly change the world.
Greetings, Damon.
What you get from our connection so effortlessly is what I wish for all who interact with me. My heart gives immense thanks for your kindness, gentleness, and keen insight into my inner core because it is such a divine love as yours that fulfills and uplifts me. Having such unwavering support feeds my hungry heart, fortifying me so that I may carry out The Most High’s work in all I do, no matter how big or small a mission is.
I love it that whenever we get together to vibe and pow wow, we block off the day and just flow with each other! My heart knows peace when I am accepted just as I am. My heart knows laughter when we over-talk each other because we always have fun together. Who says being spiritual isn’t FUN?!
Sharing life with another angel on earth is a sweet gift I value deeply. You have seen me in a myriad of tense emotions and challenging lessons, and not only do you accept me wholeheartedly, you also trouble shoot until we get to the root of the problem, spiritual or tangible in this world. Your acceptance of who I am is the single greatest gift you bestow upon me and you do it so gracefully.
Let’s truly HEAL the world TOGETHER. (Air high five!)
I’ve known Thien Kim for many years. We shared our own adventures and I’ve watched from afar as she continued on life’s journey. Her spirit is free, and if you meet her, you will see that it is impossible to hide. Life’s hardships have at times tried to dim the light of her candle but it always burns bright. She has always cherished the people around her and is the first to lend a helping hand. She faces life with courage and kindness in all of her endeavors, and her honest and open heart is always on display for anyone to experience. I’m happy to call her a friend now and forever.
I read Thien Kim’s “lighten up” post (on her About Me page) with much recognition. When I was in my late teens / early 20s, my mother used to say that to me all the time, and I never had the slightest idea what the phrase meant, or how one would go about it, but it sounded terrible, like nothing I would ever want to do. The notion of lightening up that our relatives seem to subscribe to felt like an abandonment of seriousness or mindfulness. Yet as Thien Kim so lovingly lives & writes, to “lighten” actually means to embrace and not to give up.
Thien Kim is a sister who connects with others deeply and authentically. We have been friends for many years now, having been through many experiences together, living together, caring for each other. Thien Kim has been instrumental in my spiritual path in many ways, teaching me friendship, community, faith, surrender… by example and through sharing, by being real when something’s gotta give. Thien Kim is great with children, with so many different kinds of people; she is warm and peaceful and caring.. She is childlike and wise. She makes delicious food! She speaks such truth. She reminds me to pray.
You are such an inspiration to many of us. You are a wonderful, beautiful, intelligent, and spiritual person I’ve met . You are beautiful inside and out and I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH .
Thien Kim aka Meera the warrior poet is the ultimate warrior and inspiration. She has a powerful story and walks the walk of a true warrior, alchemizing her life experience, good or bad and turning it into art. “Art is life, Life is Art” is something she truly lives by and it shows in her demonstration. “Being Broke freed me. Being broken freed me more etc..” She shows no matter how hard life treats you or what it throws at you no matter what it’s an opportunity to go deep within yourself and find the art within in. She is not afraid to express how she feels & how cruel the world can be. She’s a voice for the empaths and has the courage to stand against evil. I love what she symbolizes and the message she’s providing for the world. I wish her nothing but the most success and happiness thru her journey.