It has taken me my entire life to realize and fully accept certain gifts that I was born with, and I owe it primarily to the sweet angels who’ve come into my life at different times, pointing out my gifts while encouraging me to always be myself. Growing up, being myself was never anything anyone accepted or encouraged me to be. I always felt that I was a great person and that there were many lovable traits about me, but it pained me that the majority of people didn’t seem to agree with me. Somehow throughout it all, I learned to love myself even when it seemed as if everyone else was against me.
Now in my 40s, I stand before you today as an entrepreneurial multi-interdimensional artist: warrior poet, essayist, writer, philosopher, inspirational speaker, and spiritual healer. Practicing spiritual work brings me the most happiness and fulfillment. I thoroughly enjoy this work in serving others. I consider it a privilege and duty to always help those who come knocking on my door. To be allowed into another person’s sacred space of trust, intimacy and identity is a gift from God which I acknowledge wholly and humbly. To help a soul reach a breakthrough in their life is profoundly rewarding and to experience another person’s unexpected breakdown is just as moving. I love the work I do. All those I’ve helped tell me I have a gift.
The fascinating thing is that this spiritual work came to me. I never sought out any of this work. Even my writing is considered spiritual work and it took me many years of pain and suffering to finally accept that. Moreover, it took me all my life to finally understand that my writing is most authentic and powerful when it is actually channeled from within my heart. The way I approach my writing now is completely different from before and it’s been a profoundly life changing experience. So when I say that I write from the heart, I really mean it and there is really no way for me to accurately describe my writing. Some consider it as inspirational writing so that is what I have started to call it.
Previously immensely private about my writing, this is really the first time in my life that I am sharing my thoughts, experiences, and lessons with an actual audience. Though I’ve been writing since I was a kid, it’s only recently that I’ve come to understand that writing is my art form and since very artist needs to express their art, I guess we can say this web site will be my artistic expression in attaining that goal of finding an audience for a voice like mine. It’s the first step in my intention of reaching a broader audience so that more people may be inspired or uplifted in their daily lives.
And what voice is that? The voice of a storyteller, teacher, humanitarian, warrior princess, and child of God. Yes, I’m finally embracing all these parts of myself that others see in me, which took my entire life to understand. To come together so that I can introduce myself to you, oh, sweet and beautiful world of ours. May the marriage of my spirituality and my writing come together to shine a bright light into your world and assure you that life is still amazing; that mankind is still caring; that peace is real; and that YOU ARE PURE LOVE.