From my heart to yours, I am making an announcement today that I will be leaving facebook in approximately a month. It’s been a rather peculiar journey with facebook and the whole “social networking” phenomena that has captivated many of us. I must confess that I NEVER understood what “social networking” actually means or how it actually APPLIES to our real lives outside of this cyber vortex.
After much encouragement from various people in my life in 2007-2008, I finally joined this vortex to see for myself what the hype was all about even though my heart knew better. I won’t say that I regretted making this conscious choice in 2008 when I finally did join, but after nearly 6 years of “networking” with real people in my real life (that sounds so weird), it has suddenly become clear to me that the time has come for me to leave this vortex.
Before I depart, I would especially love to acknowledge ALL THE SWEET ANGELS ON HERE who have understood my heart all along and who have understood the messages and writings I have shared. For you, I have stayed as long as I did. YOUR connections have blessed me in infinite ways and I have been immensely humbled and honored by YOU. I give immense thanks for your support of my spiritual journey in life; for bringing laughter and so much LOVE into my life; for your light that continues to shine brightly for the rest of us; for the truthful sharing of your families, your personal lives, your dreams and your fears (I read them ALL and I pray for you); and for being MY ROCK during my brain injury journey when I was so fragile, vulnerable and BROKE. Such profound connections I seek and cultivate in life with all I meet.
Over time, I was confronted with some rather harsh realities on here and I realized that NOT EVERYONE seeks such connections as myself. What a devastating blow to the vulnerable heart that only wants to love. The facebook vortex perpetuates many things that I find too conflicting for my heart, and I finally came to understand and joyously accept that I do not belong in this vortex. I do not want to “social network” with people. Such conflicts I find in those two little, otherwise insignificant words that carry so much weight in our modern society today. I seek a SPIRITUAL NETWORK with people, or better yet, a SPIRITUAL CONNECTION with anyone whose intentions come from a place of PURE LOVE.
In 2015, I will be unveiling my own vortex. Instead of continually forcing myself to stay in a space that encourages low vibrations, I am choosing to create my own vortex that supports and CULTIVATES the most high vibrations of love, light, truth and peace for all mankind. I pray you will join me in the light.
PLEASE let me know how I can stay in touch with you so I can continue to follow your journey. You are an inspiration and I will always think of you with love and admiration.
Dearest Cindy,
This web site, Following My Heart, was created so that others can follow my journey, so I would say that staying in touch with me here is the most efficient way for me as I pray that it will be for you as well. Your loving support means so much to me and gives much strength. For your kindness, I shall be eternally grateful and may the Almighty High bless you infinitely. In truth, we are connected through our hearts. What can be more powerful than that?!
It is so cool that you are getting just what you seek!
Greetings, Keiota!
I really enjoyed meeting you and I sincerely apologize for my late response. I have not forgotten you! I would still love to be your new friend, so shall we??!
Peace and Love, Thien Kim
Beautiful wonders you keep at it and keep inspiring others to be great
When one makes the choice to follow the mind it will lead them to their fears; but when you follow your heart it will lead you to your treasure! I give thanks for you, following your heart, because it caused you to create this new vortex of infinite love. Me following my heart lead me to this space. Now connecting our love we can spread more light in this time of darkness! Peace and blessings